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PAUL ROSARIO from Polk County was booked on 01/23/25.

Booking Date: 01/23/25    City: Polk County    Age/YOB: 10/8/1970

Title Type Bond
(1 cnts) Resist Officer w o Viol. | Resist Officer w o Viol. $1000.00
(1 cnts) Dealing in Stolen Prop. | Dealing in Stolen Prop. $0.00
(1 cnts) WAOJ PINELLAS CO VOP RECKLESS DRIVING WHEN REDUCED FROM DUI | Warrant Arrest Other Jurisdiction $5000.00
(1 cnts) False Info to LEO During Investigation | False Info to LEO During Investiga $1000.00
(1 cnts) False ID Given to LEO | False ID Given to LEO $1000.00
(1 cnts) Unregistered Fail to Register Mtr Vehicle | Unregistered Fail to Register Mtr $250.00
(1 cnts) Drive While Lic Susp Revoke Equiv Stat 1st | Drive While Lic Suspended Revoke E $250.00
(1 cnts) Hold for PINELLAS CO | Hold for another agency DETENTION $0.00

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